
司法覆核判辭看市民對抗疫政策不滿 高院法官教你「離地」、「進退失據」英文【附判辭全文連結】 (16:13)

高院法官高浩文今日(30日)就新型冠狀病毒「疫苗通行證」政策司法覆核頒下判辭,雖然他拒向申請人發出司法覆核許可,但他在英文判辭第二段,特別總結了一些市民對港府抗疫政策不滿,原來「離地」的英文是「detached from local personal and business realities」,明報電子平台組意譯了相關段落供讀者參考,並提供原文。

.欠缺邏輯或常識,充滿矛盾(lacking in logic or common sense)

.難以理解、缺乏同理心(short on empathy and human understanding)

.「離地」(detached from local personal and business realities)

.失焦、進退失據 (focused on distractions, hence being reactive to what seems urgent at the expense being proactive to what is important)

.欠缺一致的長期戰略及應急計劃、以及與公眾溝通(blind to the need for a coherent longer-term strategy and contingency planning and the clear public communication of it)

.有時甚至口說科學,但其實毫不科學(sometimes even apparently contrary to the very "science" which is invoked to justify them)


抗疫政策申司法覆核 相關報道:

拒打針市民申司法覆核「疫苗通行證」 官拒批申請許可


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