
Pop around Town:Pop Songs for Climate Change

【明報專訊】Each year, Christmas comes and goes too quickly. Yet more enduring are the Christmas songs. Although they are repeated every year, we do not seem to be bored by them. In 2016, a special Christmas song was launched by singers/songwriters Chris and Susie called ''It's a Climate Change Christmas at the North Pole''. The pop and country singing duo, professionally known as ''Earthbound'', have entertained thousands of guests in Las Vegas, Nevada for over two decades. With the battle over global warming continuing worldwide, they decided to bring awareness to the matter through their novelty Christmas song written with a bit of humour: ''In the merry days of old, you'd find glaciers and snow/Now it's a Climate Change Christmas at the North Pole...Santa shed his clothes and cap for a snorkel, fins and speedos...We're baked like ham and yams, working on our tan''.

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