
Study Abroad:On frats

【明報專訊】The first question my friends ask me when they find out that I'm studying in the US is ''what the fraternities and sororities like?'' If you didn't know, fraternities and sororities (frats) are student organisations found at many American universities. Most frats have their own houses and dining rooms where their members eat and live together. To join them, you have to first participate in a round of social events where you and the frat get to know each other, a process known as ''rushing''. Then, if the frat decides to accept the student, they offer them a ''bid'' and the student can then ''pledge'' to accept the offer. Greek life, as frats are collectively known, is seen by many as a cornerstone of American college life, where you forge lifelong friendships in a tight-knit community, have fun, volunteer for the community, build leadership skills and make connections that are useful for the future. Others are vehemently against it for the toxic values it promotes and the tragic accidents that have become all too frequent. Many frats have dangerous rituals or initiation processes (known as ''hazing'' or ''dirty rushing''), which involve an obscene amount of alcohol and violence. In November 2019 alone, four died from causes related to Greek life. To add to that, Greek life has been accused of being elitist (made for the wealthy), misogynistic and racist.

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