
Editorial:US election will not alter Sino-US rivalry

【明報專訊】The US presidential election is commanding the whole world's attention. As Hong Kong people are concerned about Washington's policy towards China and Hong Kong in the next four years, who will be the next occupant of the White House has become a hot topic in the city. According to an international survey, Joe Biden is generally preferred in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region except Taiwan. Hong Kong is where Donald Trump's re-election enjoys the second highest level of support in the Asia-Pacific region. The world is facing a once-in-a-century transition. Although it was Trump who changed Washington's China policy in the past few decades, there were structural factors that contributed to Thucydides's Trap that China and the US have fallen into. Whoever wins the election will still try every means to stop China from overtaking the US. The difference between Trump and Biden only lies in their styles, methods and tactics, which Beijing views merely as something to get accustomed to. Trump's tough stance towards China has satisfied the anti-Chinese sentiments of some people and won praise from US hawks. However, his perverse way of dealing with numerous domestic and foreign affairs has in fact undermined the influence of the US. What matters in rivalries between world powers is the changes in the relative strengths of nations in the long term. From this perspective, Beijing may not mind continuing to face a rival like Trump.

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