
Study Abroad:Studying online... Not fine!

【明報專訊】Last week, 13 cases of COVID-19 were recorded on my university campus, more than the daily total in Hong Kong. If we have more than 100 cases within a two-week period, in-person learning will have to move online. Despite that, college life has been more ''normal'' than I imagined. Having moved out of quarantine, I have been attending classes, meeting new people, living with my roommate and going out with friends. This comes with restrictions of course, such as mask-wearing, getting tested for COVID twice a week, not being able to get closer than six feet to most people, closed gyms and libraries, very limited indoor dining space, and any violation of COVID rules can be reported to the school... Like everything else at the moment, my university is half of what it normally is; a campus experience that is just enough to get you excited about leaving high school, but it can be nothing more than a tentative imitation of the ''real'' college experience.

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