
Smarties' Power English 第313期

News feed:Awards show fatigue

【明報專訊】Do you know who's won this year's Oscars? According to a US broadcaster, the show's audience rating has nosedived (急跌) by 58% compared with last year's record low. The decline is much steeper among young viewers. The same thing happened with the ratings of the Grammys (格林美音樂頒獎禮) and the Golden Globes (金球獎), which plunged by 53% and 62% respectively. There are myriad (非常多的) reasons. Firstly, viewers didn't watch the nominated films due to lockdown. Secondly, there are other streaming (串流) options. Thirdly, since awards shows are mostly telecast (電視直播), youngsters find them irrelevant.

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