
Smarties' Power English 第308期

News feed:Nothing polar

【明報專訊】The Polar Bear Hotel (北極熊酒店), a hotel in Harbin Polarland (哈爾濱極地公園), a theme park, provides the round-the-clock (全天候) company of polar bears. Opened in mid-March, the hotel boasts of being ''the world's first polar bear hotel''. It doesn't look polar, featuring only artificial ice and small pools of water. Through the tempered glass (強化玻璃), guests can appreciate the creatures in any room while resting. A night at the hotel costs 1,888 to 2,288 yuan. Conservationists have been dismayed. They think polar bears belong to the Arctic, not to hotels. China's wildlife protection laws have been criticised for allowing commercial exploitation of animals and ignoring animal welfare. Do you think it's the right thing to do?

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