
Smarties' Power English 第291期

News feed:Red House

【明報專訊】October 10 is celebrated in Taiwan as its ''national day'', and it has reminded Hong Kongers of the existence of Red House (紅樓), a grade 1 historic building considered as the base for Sun Yat-sen's revolution on October 10, 1911. The government did reach an agreement with the owner that could keep Red House for 10 years, and the latter also applied for subsidies so as to restore the building in 2017. However, after three years, restoration still hasn't started yet, leaving the vulnerable (脆弱的) building, whose paint is peeling off, in a dangerous condition. Moreover, the authorities think it's not very related to Dr Sun, thus not granting it the status of a ''Declared Monument'', which would have allowed more preservation measures.

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