Editorial : Travel bubbles are easy to burst

名人教英文:「麥記」Mickey D's

【明報專訊】午飯時段,若有美國朋友跟你說: Let's go to Mickey D's,一時 ......


Sama at the end of the documentary.

Mona's Musings : For Sama — a documentary to watch

【明報專訊】In 2009, Waad al-Kateab went to Syria fro ......


(C) John & Ching Yee Smithback       www.idiom-magic.com

Idiom Magic : GIVE AWAY 4 被壓斷

【明報專訊】"We were enjoying a few moments of pleasu ......


Ask & Learn聞問切:變態、變態佬

【明報專訊】今期回答英文如何形容變態。首先跟大家介紹較正式的說法,即 paraphilia(性 ......
