【明報專訊】THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE (UGC) has released the latest Knowledge Transfer Annual Reports submitted by the eight universities it funds. The overall income generated from knowledge transfer activities reached $11.6 billion. Many universities also saw an increase in the number of patents filed and granted.
The development of innovation and technology (I&T) in Hong Kong needs a close collaboration between the government and the industrial, academic and research sectors, while the commercialisation of scientific research results plays an important part in enhancing the I&T ecosystem. The government should make greater efforts to support the eight universities in upgrading their research facilities and attracting more talent.
Apart from teaching and research, knowledge transfer is the "third mission" of the higher education sector. Unlike teaching, the main point of knowledge transfer is to apply the universities' research achievements and professional knowledge for the good of the community. The UGC has been providing earmarked grants to funded universities annually since 2009 to promote knowledge transfer.
According to the definition, the "knowledge" in "university knowledge transfer" is not limited to scientific technology, but also covers knowledge of different disciplines like arts, science and business. The account for related incomes is not limited to intellectual property, collaborative research or contract research, but also includes consultancy services and continuing professional development programmes. As Hong Kong has striven to develop I&T in recent years, the universities have also emphasised scientific research achievements and their commercial applications. Teaming up with the industrial sector to develop new products and technologies is undoubtedly a very important component of university knowledge transfer.
Overall, the income generated from knowledge transfer activities of the eight universities has been rising steadily. In the year 2021/22, the total knowledge transfer income was about $8.3 billion. The figure surpassed the $10 billion mark in 2022/23 to $10.3 billion, marking an increase of more than 20%. The latest figure in 2023/24 even soared further to $11.6 billion.
Of course, one should not only talk about the short-term monetary rewards for promoting knowledge transfer, but also keep sight of how the knowledge is being applied. The number of technological inventions and patents is one of the key indicators of knowledge transfer performance, and the latest annual reports show that a number of universities have made good progress in this respect.
In the Hong Kong I&T Development Blueprint published by the government more than two years ago, the top working direction was enhancing the I&T ecosystem and promoting "new industrialisation". Universities in Hong Kong have maintained a high scientific research standard, with many of them among the world's top 100 universities. However, the transformation and application of research output is still a relatively weak link. The establishment of an efficient cross-sector collaboration system for the government and the academic, industrial and research sectors can help compensate for this gap.
In order to upgrade and transform Hong Kong's economy, the development of the I&T industry must accelerate. Universities play an important part in fundamental scientific research and the transformation of research findings. They also play a pivotal role in building Hong Kong into an international hub for education. Even if facing the pressure to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the government should not reduce its funding support to the universities.
明報社評 2025.01.23:樂見研究成果轉化 不應削減大學資助
/ Glossary生字 /
patent:an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention; a document that proves this
strive:to try very hard to achieve sth
pivotal:of great importance because other things depend on it
■休刊小啓:英文社評 將於1月27日起休刊,2月10日復刊。編輯部