
Editorial:National Security Powers Should be Used with Caution

【明報專訊】AT the ceremonial opening of the legal year yesterday (20 January), Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal Andrew Cheung Kui-nung underlined the judiciary's commitment to fundamental legal principles such as the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial when handling national security cases. Over the past year, the courts have presided over several high-profile national security cases, including the ''Hong Kong 47'' case and the ''Dragon Slayer'' case. This year, the verdict in the Jimmy Lai case is likely to draw considerable attention. Striking a balance between protecting basic rights and safeguarding national security is no easy task. While certain rulings have sparked controversy, these should not cast doubt on Hong Kong's judicial system or its adherence to the rule of law.

Cheung stated that following the introduction of the National Security Law and the enactment of legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law, certain politically sensitive cases have come under scrutiny. However, the courts remain steadfast as guardians of the law, applying the same legal principles to national security cases as to any others. These include the presumption of innocence, the requirement that guilt be proved beyond reasonable doubt, and the right to a fair trial—fundamental safeguards that have been consistently upheld across all levels of the judiciary.

Cheung also addressed concerns over the departure of certain overseas non-permanent judges from the Court of Final Appeal, affirming that this has not undermined the judiciary's robustness. The court continues to include both highly esteemed overseas and local non-permanent judges, maintaining its enduring strength and resilience.

In recent years, Hong Kong has experienced drastic changes in its internal and external environment, with some Western politicians questioning the city's judicial integrity. Victor Dawes, Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association, recently acknowledged that Hong Kong's rule of law faces perception issues abroad. He emphasised that courts must adjudicate cases based on law and facts, while the Department of Justice and the legal profession should do more to communicate this to the international community. At the same time, Dawes urged the SAR government to exercise prudence in using the powers granted under new national security legislation, demonstrating that the city remains a jurisdiction that respects civil rights.

Over the past two years, the Court of Final Appeal has ruled on a range of impactful cases across diverse legal domains, including anti-money laundering laws and equality claims involving same-sex relationships. Cheung spoke against focusing solely on national security or public order cases, and drawing sweeping conclusions about the state of the rule of law or judicial independence in Hong Kong. He argued it was a narrow perspective that misunderstood the full scope of the judiciary's role and work. It was also overlooking the fact that the rule of law in Hong Kong continues to operate robustly across a wide spectrum of legal areas, he said.

As China's only common law jurisdiction, Hong Kong plays a unique role in bridging the nation with the international community. The central government has repeatedly reaffirmed its support for the city's common law system. Xia Baolong, head of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, recently stressed the need to accelerate the establishment of an International Mediation Institute in Hong Kong, underlining Beijing's recognition of the city's legal and judicial systems.

Any hasty changes to the city's well-established judicial framework would be unwise. The overseas judges' system of the Court of Final Appeal has been instrumental in fostering exchanges between Hong Kong and other advanced common law jurisdictions. While current geopolitical tensions may have made the recruitment of overseas judges less seamless, there is no need to fundamentally alter the system of non-permanent judges.

明報社評 2025.01.21:法庭秉公判案顯法治 政府國安權力須慎用








■/ Glossary 生字 /

steadfast:not changing in your attitudes or aims

resilience:the ability of people or things to recover quickly after sth unpleasant, such as shock, injury, etc

adjudicate:to make an official decision about who is right between two groups or organisations that disagree

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