
Editorial : Influx of TikTok Users into RedNote

【明報專訊】THE US GOVERNMENT'S "ban-or-sale" decree on TikTok is set to take effect on Sunday (19 January). It remains uncertain whether the US Supreme Court will issue a stay of the ban. Hundreds of thousands of American TikTok users have made the pre-emptive migration to another social media platform from mainland China, namely RedNote (also known as Xiaohongshu), even dubbing themselves "TikTok refugees".

Owned by the Chinese technology company ByteDance, TikTok is the overseas version of Douyin. In the US, it boasts 170 million users, meaning that one out of every two Americans have a TikTok account. Compared with many American social platforms, TikTok stands out with its algorithm's precise capture of user preferences, allowing niche content to be promoted effectively. Furthermore, unlike X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook, it is not deemed to have clear conservative or liberal leanings.

In April last year, the US Congress adopted a bill on the grounds of safeguarding national security, forcing ByteDance to sell TikTok's US business to a US company. Otherwise, the TikTok app would no longer be available for download in the US's Apple and Google app stores starting from 19 January this year. While users could still use TikTok, the lack of support and updates would gradually end its services.

ByteDance argues that the ban violates the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which concerns freedom of speech. It has made repeated filings to US courts, seeking to overturn the ban for over half a year. The lawsuit has ultimately landed in the US Supreme Court. The Joe Biden administration supports the "ban-or-sale" approach, while President-elect Donald Trump, who will be sworn in on 20 January, has reservations about the ban's scheduled implementation. Late last month, Trump submitted legal documents to the US Supreme Court, requesting a delay of the ban so that he could deal with the matter after taking office. There is a reason to believe Trump is using TikTok as a chip for bargaining with Beijing.

The Supreme Court convened last week to hear arguments of both the Department of Justice and TikTok and is expected to announce its ruling within days. Some American and British media outlets have recently claimed that, as the Supreme Court might maintain the "ban-or-sale" ruling, China is weighing up its countermeasures, including selling TikTok's US business to Elon Musk, the world's richest man. TikTok has said that these reports are "pure fiction".

According to Reuters, over 500,000 self-proclaimed "TikTok refugees" have recently flocked to RedNote, propelling it to the top of the US App Store download chart. Foreign media have reported that some American netizens posted videos on TikTok after spending time on RedNote. They had not expected Chinese electric cars to be so inexpensive and well-built, expressing disappointment that they could not be purchased in the US. There was also an American fashion designer who created an account on RedNote to share his own brand. In mainland China, although some users were surprised by the sudden influx of "refugees", they still extended their warm welcome to these newcomers from the US.

This surge of "TikTok refugees" may not last long, but it at least reflects that there is no insurmountable ideological divide between the people of the two nations. Precisely because US politicians portray China as a threat from day to day, more exchanges between peoples of the two countries are needed. Only greater mutual understanding will dispel misconceptions and prejudices.

明報社評2025.01.16:美TikTok難民湧小紅書 民間交流跨越意識形態






路透社稱,最近有超過50萬自稱「TikTok難民」的用戶,湧向另一中國社交平台小紅書,令小紅書近日登上美國App Store下載量第一位。外媒報道,有美國網民逛完小紅書後回到TikTok發影片,沒想過中國電動車如此價廉物美,對無法在美國購買感到失望;亦有美國時裝設計師在小紅書開戶,分享自己的品牌。內地方面,雖然部分用戶對突如其來的「難民潮」感到奇怪,但仍非常歡迎這批來自美國的新用戶。


■ Glossary 生字 /

pre-emptive : a pre-emptive action is done to prevent sth from happening, especially sth that will harm you

boast : to have sth that is impressive and that you can be proud of

leaning : a tendency to prefer sth or to believe in particular ideas, opinions, etc.

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