
Editorial:Subletting of Public Housing Units To Be Criminalised

【明報專訊】WITH the purpose of strengthening the combat of public rental housing abuse, a tip-off campaign under the Cherish Public Housing Resources Award Scheme takes effect today (15 January). The Housing Authority is also considering a law amendment to criminalise acts like subletting public housing units for financial gain.

The existence of public housing is to satisfy the residential needs of the underprivileged, subsidised with a colossal amount of public money. The authorities own the responsibility to combat its abuse to ensure fair allocation of public resources.

Common forms of public housing tenancy abuse include not occupying the flats or not residing in them prolongedly, making false declarations on incomes, assets and family status, subletting or underletting flats, and using flats for non-domestic purposes. The government has rolled out many measures in the past two years to crack down on public housing abuse. They include tightening the Well-off Tenants Policies and demanding that tenants declare every two years their occupancy status, domestic property ownership in Hong Kong and so forth.

Over the past two and a half years, the government has recovered about 7000 public housing units, equivalent to 10 blocks of public housing. However, the authorities believe there are still hidden cases of tenancy abuse that are difficult to detect. Under the Report Public Housing Abuse Award scheme newly set up by the Housing Authority, non-anonymous informants who provide genuine and concrete intelligence will be presented with a certificate of appreciation and offered a maximum cash reward of $3,000.

Furthermore, the Housing Authority is also considering amending the Housing Ordinance to criminalise serious acts of public housing tenancy abuse like subletting flats. The existing law stipulates that if a public housing tenant is found to have concealed or made a false declaration of data, the Housing Department can invoke the Housing Ordinance to institute prosecution. However, the Housing Authority does not have the power to prosecute cases of serious public housing abuse like subletting flats. Terminating tenancies is what it can do at most, which is obviously unreasonable.

Now the authorities propose amending the ordinance to establish criminal culpability for serious public housing abuse. The subleasing of a public housing unit and the commercial use of a unit not resided by its tenant will be listed as criminal offences, with a maximum penalty of $500,000 in fines and one-year imprisonment. It is believed that the amendment will have a deterrent effect but will not affect public housing tenants who engage in activities like tutoring inside their units for extra income.

When Housing Department officers are dispatched to a location to investigate a suspected case of subletting, the most common hurdle they meet is non-cooperation of the people inside the unit. Citing privacy as the reason, they would refuse to provide personal data like their identity cards, making it impossible for the officers to verify whether they are the original tenants or not. The law amendment will empower officers to inspect personal data. This will likely help the investigation work greatly.

Regarding the ''cash-for-tipping-off'' system, some worry that it may encourage a ''back-stabbing culture'' and may be a detriment to neighbourhood relations. Some are apprehensive that the reporting system may be abused and that tenants may be framed by fellow residents as a result of personal grudges.

However, the reporting of tenancy abuse by fellow residents is a long-standing practice rather than something new. Under the incentive system, not only are informants required to provide real names, but they will also be interviewed by dedicated Housing Department officers to ensure the authenticity of the information provided. Of course, whether the reporting system will be abused, in the end, will depend on the gatekeeping of officers.

明報社評 2025.01.15:刑事化打擊公屋租上租 留意舉報濫用機制利弊










■/ Glossary 生字 /

tip-off:secret information that sb gives, for example to the police, to warn them about an illegal activity that is going to happen or has happened

institute (sth):to introduce a system, policy, etc. or start a process

culpability:​the fact of being responsible and deserving blame for having done sth wrong

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