
Editorial:GBA and Northern Metropolis for New Era of One Country, Two Systems

【明報專訊】AT a recent seminar held by the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies in Beijing, Xia Baolong, Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, made a speech to elaborate on the central government's viewpoint regarding the theory and practice of ''One Country, Two Systems'' in the new era as well as its expectations on the two SARs.

Xia emphasised that as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) project takes forward One Country, Two Systems, the innovation of this framework is of paramount importance. Hengqin, Qianhai, Nansha, the Lok Ma Chau Loop (the Loop) and the Northern Metropolis are all high-quality developments that showcase One Country, Two Systems characteristics, with which Hong Kong and Macao must press ahead proactively, he said.

Although Xia suggested the two SARs plan carefully before making moves and guard against policy myopia, he did not mean that there was time to lose. Instead, he was reminding the two cities to fully grasp their respective positions and functions in the building of the GBA and make sure that the development of the Loop, the Northern Metropolis and Hengqin will not deviate from the appropriate standards or goals.

President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech last month in Macao to conclude the experience of practising One Country, Two Systems and the development blueprint. The seminar this time surrounded Xi's speech as its theme and Xia's remarks can be seen as the most exhaustive and systemic explication of Xi's speech.

Xia pointed out that the core values of peace, inclusiveness, openness and sharing are all implied in One Country, Two Systems. It is ''an international public good offered by our country to the development of the world'' and ''an important platform of practice to facilitate the building of a community with a shared future for mankind''. The remarks show that the central government has elevated One Country, Two Systems into a subject of global significance and connected it closely with Beijing's world view. That is much broader than the concept commonly understood.

Xia mentioned that in the practice of One Country, Two Systems, it is necessary to not only promote the core values of patriotism and loving Hong Kong, but also seek common ground while allowing for differences, enhancing pluralistic cultural exchange and integration, and uniting all forces that can be united. Openness and inclusiveness are where Hong Kong exhibits its uniqueness. The SAR government must uphold them conscientiously and tolerate different voices more.

Xia also clearly stated that the GBA is to be a showcase of high-quality development and a pioneer of Chinese-style modernisation. Hengqin, the Loop, Qianhai and Nansha were listed as the four major cooperation platforms in the GBA. In other words, the proper construction of the Innovation and Technology Park in the Loop concerns not only Hong Kong or Shenzhen, but also the GBA and the country.

Although the Northern Metropolis was not on the list of the four major zones of cooperation, Xia made it clear that its development is also a part of the GBA project. In Hong Kong, amid concerns over the property slump and the government's fiscal deficit, some have called for a slowdown of the Northern Metropolis development to handle these problems first. However, Xia said nothing about Hong Kong's real estate or fiscal deficit. What he outlined were expectations of the SAR government to press ahead with the building of the Northern Metropolis proactively and to take the initiative to explore new industries and business forms. Hong Kong must continuously strengthen the new momentum of development and gradually break the shackles of the deep entanglement between the economy and real estate.

明報社評 2025.01.13:一國兩制發展新時期 灣區北都建設責任大





夏寶龍指出一國兩制蘊含的和平、包容、開放及共享價值理念,是「我國為世界發展提供的國際公共產品(public good)」,是「推動構建人類命運共同體的重要實踐平台」,反映中央將一國兩制提升到具有世界意義的高度,並跟國家的世界觀緊扣,比一般人理解的概念要闊得多。




■/ Glossary 生字 /

policy myopia:policy myopia is when government policy interventions seek to address short-term issues rather than longer-term solutions

shackle:a particular state, set of conditions or circumstances, etc. that prevent you from saying or doing what you want

entanglement:the state of being caught or twisted in sth

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