
Editorial : Extend Retirement Age Flexibly on Mainland

【明報專訊】AS the average life expectancy continues to increase along with improvements in health conditions on the mainland, the current retirement age of 60, nearly the lowest in the world, has become impractical. After a long gestation period, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed a resolution in September to extend the retirement age starting from 1 January this year. The retirement age for men is raised from 60 to 63, that for female blue-collar workers raised from 50 to 55, while that for women in white-collar jobs and civil service positions from 55 to 58.

The average life expectancy in China was 68.2 in 1978 and had gone up to 78.6 in 2023. It is natural for the retirement age to be delayed. In particular, for those engaged in industries that require lengthy training in skills and knowledge, such as teachers, doctors and technicians, the retirement age had been pushed to 65 for men and 60 for women earlier.

It is a global trend to extend the retirement age. Most European Union member states adopt the age of 65, which will be delayed to 69 in Denmark. Australia decided last year to extend it to 67 while Britain will raise it to 68. Even in developing countries like Brazil and Mexico, the retirement age is 65.

China's decision to raise the retirement age was rather late in comparison with many countries. The manner of implementation is also very mild. Starting this year, the respective retirement ages will be raised by one month every few months over a course of 15 years, until they are finally extended by a total of three years. The key of the roll-out plan is its high flexibility. Companies and employees can agree upon the actual retirement age on a voluntary basis and decide whether they will retire early or late.

Based on the actual outcome, the central government should provide more flexibility with the policy roll-out whenever apt, instead of only until 15 years later after the policy is fully implemented, as life expectancy will have risen for a few more years by then.

Furthermore, as there is a wide variation of life expectancy across the country, workers in major cities particularly cannot bear the long wait. While the average lifespan exceeds 83 in Shanghai and Beijing, Tibet has the lowest life expectancy of only 70. In Yunnan and Qinghai, mostly situated on highlands, that is also only 72. In Beijing and Shanghai, it may be too young for a worker to retire at 60. However, if a worker in Yunnan or Qinghai can retire only after turning 63, there will not be enough time left for enjoying retired life.

Even though the retirement age of teachers, doctors and senior technicians is already a few years later than that of ordinary workers, many flexible arrangements can still be made [to keep them on the job], as their professional experience is probably of higher value. They can be employed in the capacity of advisors and paid by the number of consultancy reports submitted, or they can work half-time. The currently popular employment model of "part-time working mums" allows women with parental roles to work on flexible hours. If such flexibility is implemented among retired workers, it may also achieve similar results.

The country has seen seismic shifts in its economic and social conditions. The extension of retirement age now was a belated decision implemented in a conservative manner. To compensate for that, flexibility must be introduced as early as possible.

明報社評2025.01.06:內地15年後延至63歲退休 應該更彈性適度再延伸









■ Glossary 生字 /

gestation : the process by which an idea or a plan develops

seismic : having a very great effect; of very great size

belated : coming or happening late

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