
Editorial:Good Intentions Met Problems in Public Dental Reform

【明報專訊】THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (DH) launched its online registration and ballot system for public dental services on Monday (30 Dec). Although the new arrangement indeed spelt the end of scenarios of grassroots or elderly queuing for hours, it has also brought up new doubts and concerns — wastage of precious public resources caused by no-shows of successful applicants and treatment delays for seriously ill dental patients with bad luck in balloting, for example.

Hong Kong suffers from a shortage of dentists and is particularly strained in public dental clinics. The government is determined to reform dental healthcare with the aim of serving underprivileged groups in a fairer way. Despite the good intentions, the authorities must closely monitor the actual implementation of the reform measure and smooth out various operational problems.

The DH runs more than 40 dental clinics, with 11 of them designating specific time slots to provide emergency dental services for underprivileged groups with economic difficulties. Due to the limited quotas of public dental service slots, some elderly and grassroots used to queue up at DH dental clinics from the early hours to secure a slot.

One of the government's reforms was the adoption of the online registration and ballot system. Citizens can log in to the system through the eHealth mobile application and register for an appointment with their real name a day in advance. The authorities reserve half of the quotas for elderly people. All successful applicants will receive a notification via SMS.

On the first day of the new arrangement, all 88 slots were snapped up, and the system received 686 registrations in total, with nearly eight people vying for a slot. However, only 62 patients allocated a quota turned up for treatment. The absence rate was about 30%. The situation on the second day was similar, with an absence rate of more than 20%. Over the first two days, out of 151 slots, 40 people did not show up, which was clearly not ideal.

The DH stated that, upon preliminary investigation, some citizens who did not show up cited personal reasons or forgot their appointments. Some were not aware that the general dental public session only provides emergency dental services. The department will continue to monitor the new system's operation and effectiveness, and make appropriate adjustments and improvement measures, including the consideration of a waiting list mechanism.

Theoretically, a waiting list mechanism could prevent the wastage of dental service quotas. However, ''no-shows'' often occur at the last moment. It remains a technical challenge to ensure that standby patients can promptly fill these slots and arrive at the clinic on time.

In the past, the grassroots or the elderly with severe dental diseases could almost guarantee a clinic visit by being willing to spend more time queuing. After the change to ballot draws, everything is decided by luck instead. The authorities should closely monitor the actual implementation of the measure, listen more to the patients and stakeholders and improve the system. In the case of prolonged major problems that cannot be resolved or even continue to worsen, the authorities may need to consider the worst-case scenario and call a halt to the measure until proper solutions are found.

明報社評 2025.01.03:牙科街症改革用意雖好 實際操作問題有待改善









■/ Glossary 生字 /

spell (sth):to have sth, usually sth bad, as a result

snap (sth) up:to buy or obtain sth quickly because it is cheap or you want it very much

call a halt to (sth):to stop an activity or process

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