【明報專訊】BUS COMPANIES have been given the green light from the Chief Executive in Council to increase fares starting from early next month. Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) will raise fares by 4.3% and Citybus's fare hike will even reach 7.5%, much higher than the inflation rate.
Coming hard on the heels of the last fare increase just over a year ago, with KMB and Citybus up by 3.9% and 4.9% respectively in June last year, the increase this time is even steeper. It is necessary for the government to instruct the bus companies to increase their financial transparency and formulate a strategy to diversify and increase revenue, rather than frequently imposing substantial fare hikes on ordinary citizens to fill financial holes.
In response to the fare increase applications KMB, Citybus and New Lantao Bus (NLB) submitted earlier, the government has repeatedly stressed that it would exercise its gatekeeping role in a scrupulous manner. However, the fare increases decided in the end are still way above the inflation rate of 2.76% over the past year and a half. The government is satisfied that fare adjustments are necessary to help the three bus companies maintain stable finances for sustaining investments in bus operations. But from the perspective of ordinary citizens, it is really difficult to accept dramatic increases in bus fares twice in just a year and a half.
According to the paper the authorities provided earlier to the Legislative Council (Legco), the patronage of KMB has recovered to about 95% of the pre-pandemic level; that of Citybus has also recovered to nearly 90%. The number of average daily passenger journeys with KMB and NLB went up by 14.6% and 38.5% respectively last year; that of Citybus also increased by 19.5%. Moreover, the international oil prices have so far been generally flat this year and even lower than two years earlier.
Take a look at the financial situation of the bus companies and one will see that both KMB and NLB came out of the red last year. KMB turned from a loss of $41.2 million in 2022 to a profit of $20.2 million last year. In the first half of this year, it also made a profit of $21.9 million, showing a continuous improvement in profitability. The 4.3% increase in KMB fares will generate $290 million more in revenue from bus operations alone. That inevitably invites doubts about whether KMB's coming fare hike is reasonable.
While it will raise fares by the highest rate, Citybus's service performance renders the company the least deserving of a fare increase. In the last year and the first half of this year, both Citybus's accident rates and lost trip rates are higher than the industry average.
Ironically, at a Legco meeting, a Citybus representative attributed the problem to manpower shortages and uncompetitive wages. The underlying message was that a fare increase would enable the company to improve remunerations and strengthen training, thus helping it to reduce lost trips and accidents. The logic behind was essentially ''the worse the service, the more reasonable fare hikes are''.
Last year, in contrast to KMB and NLB, which returned to the black, Citybus alone saw an expansion of deficits again. A number of lawmakers have pointed out that the parent company of Citybus had paid dividends for two years in a row, which totalled $200 million. They have questioned whether the company has employed financial shenanigans to transfer the profits in the form of consultancy fees, bonuses and so forth, thereby creating an illusion of running a deficit.
The government paper has only listed the profits or losses of the three bus companies in the past three financial years, without providing a clear breakdown of their operation costs or a detailed estimation of their future costs, revenues and returns. Even the costs of buying new buses are missing. As the bus companies ask for hefty fare hikes without sufficient transparency in their finances, lawmakers and the public can only regret the impossibility of monitoring.
明報社評 2024.12.18:巴士加價理據不清 被迫「填氹」市民無奈
■/ Glossary 生字 /
scrupulous:careful about paying attention to every detail
out of the red:in credit, making a profit
shenanigans:secret or dishonest activities, usually of a complicated type