
Editorial:Escalator Campaign to Encourage "Standing Still"

【明報專訊】IN AN EFFORT TO decrease the number of escalator-related accidents, the MTR Corporation has launched a new safety campaign. Its call for passengers to stand still on both sides and refrain from walking on escalators has sparked heated discussions among the public.

In the past, standing still on one side of an escalator to allow people in a hurry to walk on the other was regarded as an etiquette. But in recent years, the danger posed to others while walking on escalators in haste has become a concern in many cities, where "standing still on both sides" is encouraged now. As far as safety and overall delivery efficiency are concerned, standing still on both sides of an escalator is indeed a better practice. However, "stand right, walk left" is deeply ingrained in Hong Kong people's minds. Collaborations between various parties, including schools and different government departments, are needed to bring about a successful change in customs.

At present, there are more than 1300 escalators in the MTR network. In the first nine months of this year, there were 430 escalator incidents, of which 60% involved passengers who were not holding handrails, lost their balance while walking, were bumped by others, or were carrying bulky items. The MTR launched the "2024 Escalator Safety Campaign" a few days ago to step up promotion of two key messages — "hold the handrail, stand firm on either side" and "use a lift when travelling with bulky items".

The logic behind "stand right, walk left" is ostensibly similar to the provision of a fast lane on motorways to allow overtaking. However, escalators and motorways are, after all, different environments. First, escalators are relatively narrow in general. If someone walks hastily or even runs, people standing on the side may be bumped on easily. Furthermore, escalators are not flat avenues. Nowadays, many escalators move speedily and are rather long. If somebody accidentally falls, it may cause a domino-like falling of the people in the rear and result in a serious accident.

A "standing still on both sides" experiment conducted by the London Underground a few years ago showed that using both sides of escalators increases the overall delivery efficiency by 30%. Indeed, many cities across the world have long stopped encouraging the practice of "stand right, walk left". In Japan, the Saitama Prefectural Assembly even set a precedent in 2021 by passing an ordinance to prohibit walking on escalators, with Nagoya city following suit last year.

In fact, the MTR has started the "stand still on both sides" initiative since 2009, but to little effect. In the latest Escalator Safety Campaign, escalator safety ambassadors are deployed to conduct demonstrations, which caused some controversy. A passenger complained that the ambassadors, standing on both sides of the escalator, barred him from walking on the left side. In response, the MTR reiterated that demonstrations are only arranged during off-peak hours. It has also reminded its staff to pay attention to passengers' reactions and think on their feet.

Compared with promotional visuals and announcements, publicity by such a direct intervention can certainly arouse more attention and discussions among the public. Theoretically, on-site demonstrations by MTR staff can indeed help to break the dated concept that it is wrong to stand still on the left. At the same time, the MTR can also educate the public that they may take the stairs when in a hurry.

明報社評 2024.11.13:扶手電梯倡「左右企穩」 移風易俗需多方配合








/ Glossary生字 /

etiquette:the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society, among members of a particular profession or in a particular area of activity

ostensibly:according to what seems or is stated to be real or true, when this is perhaps not the case

think on your feet:to be able to think and react to things very quickly and effectively without any preparation

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