
Editorial : A Property Market Bailout in Disguise?

【明報專訊】ON THE MAINLAND, a number of banks have successively announced cutting the interest rates of mortgage loans, with some providing special rates below 3 percent. The authorities have adopted an array of measures to resuscitate the property sector, but the policy goal has been ambiguous. Is the government intending to rescue the housing market or is it just trying to ensure the delivery of presold properties? Or is it that as long as the government's revenue from land sale and property tax can go up, it does not mind which kind of real estate is involved?  

It is reasonable and fair to ensure the delivery of presold properties to safeguard the legal rights and interests of homebuyers. However, whether a real estate bailout matches the reform direction of "supporting both housing rentals and purchases" decided at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, remains debatable. In terms of finances, local governments should break away from their over-reliance on property tax income. They should get over the "old glory days" and speed up reform measures in other areas.

At a national meeting on ensuring the delivery of presold properties in mid-May, the State Council set a clear target of getting 3.96 million presold homes delivered nationwide by the end of this year. To this end, the central bank has announced supporting policies like providing more funds for real estate loans and lowering the down payment ratios for some eligible homebuyers. One after another, local governments have also rolled out measures "adapted to local conditions" to implement the policy. However, some of these local measures have apparently gone out of shape.

A common measure implemented by local governments is cutting interest rates and taxes (deed tax and stamp duty). Many provide housing trade-in subsidies, offering households a cash allowance if they buy bigger new homes while requiring developers or the government to acquire their original properties. Some local governments exclude units for rent from the number of properties owned by homebuyers so that they can continue to enjoy discounted interest rates for self-occupied properties. Some even combine housing incentives with the policy on encouraging childbearing, offering subsidies to home-buying parents with two or three children.

But the biggest governmental action of all is spending public funds to acquire unsold commercial housing in the backlog for use as compensation for relocated households, social housing for low-income groups, housing for talent or temporary resettlement housing. Alternatively, these local authorities order state-owned enterprises to buy these commercial housing and use them as staff quarters or re-sell them to staff at subsidised prices.  

It is reasonable and fair for buyers to demand, and for governments to ensure, through intervention, the timely delivery of presold homes. However, many other measures rolled out by local governments have obviously gone beyond the target of ensuring the delivery of presold homes and reached the "grey area" of bailing out the property market. As encouraging childbearing is also a national policy, there is nothing wrong with giving cash subsidies to two- or three-child families. However, when the subsidies are designated for buying homes, the policy essentially becomes a real estate bailout. The policy goal of spending public funds to buy properties for use as social housing or housing for talent is not clear either. These raise doubts about why the property market should be rescued.

Homebuying is not a must for quality living. One of the reform measures stated at the third plenary session of the Party's 20th Central Committee was reconfirming "the dual support for housing rentals and purchases" and the function of real estate as "only for living, not speculation". Now it seems that some local governments are refusing the reforms of the real estate market and local public finances in the name of ensuring the delivery of presold properties.

明報社評2024.09.02:保交房有必要救樓市不必 加快配套改革保政府財政








■ Glossary 生字 /

bailout : an act of giving money to a company, a foreign country, etc. that has very serious financial problems

resuscitate : to make sb or sth start breathing again or become conscious again after they have almost died

ambiguous : having different meanings

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