語文同樂 第725期
【明報專訊】「無中生有」在今天總是略帶貶意,指本無其事憑空造作,潛藏欺騙、卸責或嫁禍的動機;「 ......
Smarties' Power English 第416期
Talk of the town:Eurasian otter traces found in Hong Kong
【明報專訊】The Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden rese ......
Talk of the town:Protecting wild animals in Hong Kong
【明報專訊】The elusive Eurasian otter (歐亞水獺) is list ......
Spot the flaws:There, they're, their
【明報專訊】Can you spot any errors in the letter? Pl ......
Horizon:Contemporary art beyond the ordinary
【明報專訊】Art is not confined to oil, acrylic or ca ......