
【體壇發聲】亨利IG撰長文反種族歧視 FIFA反對德甲處罰球員 (21:09)


法國隊名宿亨利今晨在Instagram,為美國黑人男子弗洛伊德(George Floyd)疑死於警暴一事撰文。他表示過去數天整理思緒,以免訴諸仇恨和刻薄的情感,希望能理性表達。他質問道:「為何2020年仍會發生這種事?為何種族主義者會支持愛隊中的少數族裔球員,回到街上卻會虐待少數?為何種種嘗試消除歧視的方法都行不通?」他表示並非支持暴力、搶劫或破壞財產,認為不是解決問題的答案,但敦促社會作出改變:「我們急需改變,我們要求改變,更重要是我們值得改變。現在就要實現,歧視適可而止。」



I have been collecting my thoughts for the past few days in order to eloquently describe my feelings on the tragic and unnecessary death of George Floyd. It would have been far too easy to write with emotion, hatred and vitriolic sentiment in the immediate aftermath. Although those feelings are still present, I will give it a try. Why is this still happening in 2020? Why do the same racists applaud any ethnic minority who plays for the team they support but abuse the same minorities on the street? Why are all the methods we are using to eradicate this from our society not working? It’s gone on for too long and we have come too far for this to be tolerated in modern society. I do not advocate violence, looting or destruction of property, as this will not solve any problems and many racially afflicted individuals are victims themselves of this behaviour. Why should the people be punished who have the same struggles, turmoil and racial abuse? The people who have worked their entire lives to feed their families and then have the fruits of the labour destroyed in protests against the issues they are suffering themselves? This is not the answer. However, we do urgently NEED change, we DEMAND change and most importantly, we DESERVE change. Make it happen, NOW. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

@ thierryhenry 分享的貼文 於 張貼


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