一個剛於9月中在Apple Store上架的AI社交應用程式「SocialAI」開始爆紅。「SocialAI」的界面恍似社交平台X,在應用程式中只有用家自己是真人,其他追隨者(follower)100%都是AI機械人。用家在「SocialAI」中分享自己的故事和心情,AI追隨者就會留言回應。用家可選擇不同AI追隨者個性(例如啦啦隊、怪胎、心理輔導員、鍾意挖苦人的),超過30種選擇可揀。
「SocialAI」由28歲紐約軟件工程師Michael Sayman開發。Sayman接受TechCrunch訪問表示,他想幫助大家「被聆聽得到、有空間去表達、獲支持、獲得回應」。他一直想建構一個安全空間,讓用家隨時表達想法,獲得私人回應。
「SocialAI」已在App Store上架[連結],手機須使用iOS 17或以上版本。
Introducing SocialAI V3: Feels REAL
- "Conversational Search" offers personalized recommendations on restaurants, shops, and more.
- AI followers engage in endless, deeper debates.
- Greater response variety for wider perspectives.
- Conversations feel more real than ever.
The… pic.twitter.com/bVPlE3wuLA— Michael Sayman (@michaelsayman) September 22, 2024
I've spent years wanting to build a consumer app that was impossible for a long time. Now the tech has finally caught up to my vision.
— Michael Sayman (@michaelsayman) September 17, 2024
Introducing SocialAI, a private social network where you receive millions of AI-generated comments offering feedback, advice & reflections on… pic.twitter.com/zSEFL1dlCz