
【短片】風暴下海邊玩高台跳水 愛爾蘭兩青年被轟愚蠢 (21:54)

英國北部日前受暴風雨吹襲,愛爾蘭亦有部分地區受災,然而戈爾韋郡(County Galway)有兩名貪玩青年,竟趁着狂風暴雨在海邊玩跳水,其中一人更做出向後翻騰的危險動作。片段被人拍下放上facebook,拍片者和愛爾蘭海岸衛隊批評兩人的行為,其他網民亦紛紛轉載影片,怒罵二人愚蠢。

從德夫林(Cathal Devlin)上傳的片段可見,兩名穿着泳褲的青年,在索爾特希爾(Salthill)海灘邊玩跳水。其中一人先從高台上躍下,並向後翻騰後入水,另一人並隨後跳入海中,兩人上水後走向友人處抹身。受暴風「戴斯蒙德」(Desmond)吹襲,海面波濤洶湧,海浪更一度濺上半空。






STORM DESMONDBy posting this video of Storm Desmond in Salthill, Galway I wish to highlight the absolute madness and stupidity of what these youngsters are doing. I do not know if they are strong swimmers or not, that is not the case, if any one of them got into difficulties there was no one there to do anything for them. The voluntary and rescue services are kept busy enough without having to worry about this type of stupid behaviour. Please God, everyone will have a happy Christmas, perhaps it could have been very different. I would like to make it very clear that I or anyone else do not condone or see any "macho" side to this incident. In a couple of hours this video clip has received 168,000 views across the globe and everyone is of the same opinion "fools", "eejits", "morons" and worse. Count your blessings and do not, ever, repeat this type of "stunt". Cathal Devlin

Cathal Devlin 貼上了 2015年12月4日


【水源充足】每月收入近半來自控制地區的稅收及收繳資產,而非法石油貿易則是第二大收入來源。報道:http://bit.ly/1YVsJ6J【涉殺17萬猶太人 93歲奧斯威辛集中營前守衛將受審】...

Posted by 明報即時新聞 on Monday, December 7, 2015

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