
【學好英語】Bare infinitive和 to-infinitive(文:韓連山) (13:26)


It had promised to let Hong Kong to have democracy and universal suffrage.

錯誤是To let後面是不可以用to-infinitive的,所以應刪掉to,改為:

It had promised to let Hong Kong have democracy and universal suffrage.

這種語法,英語叫bare infinitive,看舉例:

1. My teacher made me do a lot of TSA exercises.(老師強迫我做很多全港性系統評估練習。)

2. My parents won't let me play unless I finish all the TSA exercises teachers assign me.(父母不許我玩耍,除非我完成老師指派的所有全港性系統評估練習。)

3. I heard my sister weep in her bedroom. (我聽到妹妹在房內飲泣。)

4. We saw them walk by. (我們看見他們走過。)

Made、let、heard和saw,若要在後面加其他動作的描述,必須用bare infinitive:do、play、weep和walk。千萬別再加to。

Bare infinitive另一種常見結構是用在modal verbs(情態動詞)之後,如can、could、may、might、must、should等。例句:

1. We can go there if she permits us.

2. She might kick you out if you are rude.

3. All citizens should have the right to choose their Chief Executive.

4. We must fight for universal suffrage until we win.

學生經常混淆了bare infinitive和 to-infinitive,是因為慣用了這種語法,如下:

1. I want to go to Disneyland. 

2. Ms. Lee teaches us to write correct English.

3. My mother tells me to sleep early.

4. The principal allows us to play soccer after school.

上列四句,都必須用to-infinitive。而只有很少動詞是不須加 to的。也許因為聽得莎翁名劇中Hamlet這句獨白太多:To be or not to be ... To sleep, perchance to dream ... ?


下列句子要用to-infinitive還是bare infinitive?

1. The judge will not permit you ____ shout slogans in court.

2. What convinced you ____ vote for her?

3. I can feel my heart _____ beat faster and faster whenever I see her.

4. Did you see anyone _____ enter the lift a minute ago?

5. My friends always make me _____ laugh.

6. Do not try _____ jump over the roadblock!





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