
【辭任校委】袁國勇辭職信曝光:當前制度仍有不公義 但暴力語言行為不能解決分歧 掌權者應面對和負責解決 (21:52)


袁形容港大是他「生於斯,長於斯」的地方 ,而作為學者,全力捍衛學術自由及院校自主乃他的天職,「但對於近日以此為由,擾亂校委會會議秩序的行為,以致討論焦點偏離以大學利益為首位的原則,我感到非常痛心」。






面對困境,讓我們以最謙卑的心維護 「明德格物」的精神。




Dear Chairman Professor CH Leong and members of HKU,

I write to inform you about my resignation as an elected member of the Council because I feel no longer competent to serve my alma mater. 

Hong Kong is my most beloved birth place, and HKU is the holy sanctuary of my intellectual birth place. While I strongly support any further improvement of academic freedom and institutional autonomy at all levels of the University, I am sad to see the recent disruption of the Council which only serves to divert any well-meant discussion of what is best for HKU. 

Our University and Hong Kong excel because we are able to convert "differences of opinion, cultures and values" through peaceful and unassuming interactions into "new insight, innovation and strength". Though there are injustices in the system, we will not succeed to change it by verbal and physical violence. As such actions will only bring out the darkest side of human and open the door for the intrusion by Satan. Nevertheless, those in power also have the primary responsibility to face the dilemma and remove these injustices.

In all circumstances, we should always have a humble heart and uphold "Sapientia et Virtus".

Yours sincerely,

Professor Kwok-Yung Yuen

Department of Microbiology


【過去3年變了.....】袁國勇表示,過去百多年,香港一直有能力令不同意見、文化、價值融會,然而......報道:http://bit.ly/1KEhKYk#明報 #明報即時新聞

Posted by 明報即時新聞 on 2015年7月30日

相關字詞﹕港大副校風波 袁國勇 辭任校委

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