
【網上熱話】中三生雨傘英詩被網民大讚「神作」 點樣讀自己揀! (19:56)

網民Eric Windarcher昨日在Facebook上載一篇英文創作詩詞的圖片,內容講述香港現今社會情況,包括提及雨傘運動、胡椒噴霧、催淚彈、2017年普選行政長官等。

這篇題為「抓緊你的雨傘」(Hold your umbrella)的詩歌,由一名中三學生創作,批改的老師給予A級成績,評語更說「非常有意義及很有鼓勵的詩歌!喜歡選字及其引用的句子」。



Hold your umbrella

This city is dying

Never will anbody(anybody) say

We can fight against the ruthless government.

The truth is

Under the pepper spray and tear bomb

We can never succeed 

It is wrong to believe that

We can build our wings and fly high.

Having the right to freely nominate and elect the head of our government by 2017

Is a joke.

We know that

Our goals can only be fulfilled in fairytales,

'The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall'

Che Guevora said.

Can we? Never

Put down your yellow umbrella.

Let the communist Chinese government take away all the core values we treasured.

Give up protesting for political freedom.

We know it is a lie.

People may think Hong Kong is dying,

That might be true,

Unless we turn things around.

【射波大計】為了放假,她在網上指公司隱瞞有員工感染新SARS消息,希望令公司關門,她便能休假……全文:http://bit.ly/1Gy9w3E【高永文指韓可能出現第四代傳播】http://bit.ly/1Gy9KI4#明報 #明報即時新聞

Posted by 明報即時新聞 on 2015年6月12日

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